Harmony Health Group Offers Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Near Me

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has noted that there have been multiple waves in the opioid epidemic, with the most recent being the third wave, which began in 2013 when there was a jump in opioid overdoses. Opioid use disorder is an addiction that has had a significant impact on Americans. The Harmony Health Group has been a driving force in treatment and prevention efforts, with inpatient and outpatient treatment programs located in Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Tennessee. 

Our behavioral health treatment centers are in-network with many popular health insurance providers, and accept insurance coverage for our mental health, substance use, and dual diagnosis treatment programs. This allows us to decrease the financial barriers that you may face while accessing the treatment programs you need. If you have been struggling with opioids, including Oxycodone, we encourage you to contact us by dialing (866)461-4474 today. 

What is Oxycodone and Oxycodone Misuse?

Oxycodone is a narcotic medication that can be used to treat moderate to severe pain. Similar to other opioids, when taken, this medication binds to the opioid receptors in your brain and spinal cord, which can provide pain relief. This medication is available in immediate-release tablets, extended-release tablets, and liquid solutions. 

This medication does come with a risk of misuse, abuse, and addiction. Oxycodone misuse would be taking the medication in a way that differs from your doctor’s prescription. This can mean taking a higher dose or taking doses closer together. Individuals who find themselves struggling with an Oxycodone addiction can take this medication in numerous ways, including intravenously, and orally. Some names used for oxycodone include:

  • Ox
  • Roxy
  • Perx
  • Oxy
  • OC
  • Kicker
  • Hillbilly heroin

What are the Side Effects of Prolonged Oxycodone Use?

There are several side effects that occur with long-term opioid abuse.  This can include chronic constipation, sleep-disordered breathing, increased risk for bone fractures, and hypothalami-pituitary-adrenal dysregulation. Additionally, prolonged use of oxycodone can lead to physical and psychological dependency, also known as a substance use disorder.If you have found it difficult to control, limit, or reduce your use of oxycodone, you may benefit from speaking with a professional.

These are signs that you may be struggling with an addiction, in which case, early intervention and treatment can have lasting results. Depending on the severity of your use, you may benefit from inpatient or outpatient treatment. By calling (866)461-4474, you can speak with one of our Admission Counselors about your oxycodone use and current concerns. Together, we can come up with a plan that feels right for you and provides you with the support you need for a lasting recovery.  

What are Common Signs of an Oxycodone Addiction? 

When someone is struggling with an oxycodone addiction, you may notice changes in their appearance, behaviors, and mental health. As an example, someone who is in the midst of an opioid addiction may be preoccupied with their use, spending most of their time thinking about, planning, obtaining, using, and recovering from the effects of opioids. These individuals may also begin to isolate from their friends and family, and spend time with others who are also misusing drugs. Many develop a tolerance, meaning that they need more of the substance to achieve the same level of euphoria. Additionally, withdrawal symptoms can occur and cause physical discomfort.

You may also notice changes to an individual’s appearance, hygiene, and weight during active addiction. Some loved ones notice that individuals become secretive, or possibly steal to support their addiction.  It is also not uncommon for individuals to experience challenges at work or school, and experience legal troubles. If you find yourself concerned about a loved one, we want to let you know that you’re not alone in this. By contacting the Harmony Health Group, we can provide you with guidance and support about how to best support your loved one. 

What are the Symptoms of an Oxycodone Withdrawal? 

Oxycodone addiction and withdrawal symptoms can occur when someone has developed a physical dependency on oxycodone. This can occur in as little as 4 weeks. What happens is that with regular use of opioids, your body changes the way it functions. When you stop using, your body has to readjust to these changes, which tends to be an uncomfortable process. 

Withdrawal symptoms for opioids can begin in as little as 6 to 12 hours from the time of last use, and tend to be at their worst around 72 hours after the last use. From there, symptoms tend to lessen and become more manageable. Individuals who have been abusing opioids, including oxycodone, can experience some, if not most, of the following symptoms during withdrawal:

  • Chills
  • Cramps
  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Intense drug cravings

Withdrawal from opioids is unlikely to result in death, however, medical supervision and support can ease some of the distress you experience. Individuals who find themselves struggling with vomiting and diarrhea may experience dehydration, which could pose a health risk in some situations. If you are motivated to stop using, we encourage you to reach out for help today so that we can support you as you move through the withdrawal process. There are steps we can take to ease the physical and psychological symptoms that come with oxycodone withdrawal. 

Oxycodone Addiction Statistics in the U.S.

Check Your Insurance Coverage for Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

You can check your insurance coverage levels by calling us on: (866) 461-4474

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We’re here to listen. Let’s talk today.

How is an Oxycodone Addiction Treated?

Oxycodone addiction treatment centers often provide a combination of psychotherapy and medical support for those living with an addiction. Those are at risk for withdrawal symptoms often benefit from participating in a medical detox, where professionals can help ease some of the discomfort they may feel. These programs can also help you manage intense cravings that can occur. 

Addiction treatment programs are often tailored to each individual, providing you with an opportunity to receive comprehensive care. Addiction is an individualized disease, so your experiences may very well differ from that of others. Ideally, these differences are respected in your treatment plan, to help you build a foundation for recovery. You can expect to participate in counseling and therapy sessions, and educational sessions, and learn effective ways to manage challenges that can arise in recovery. Depending on your needs, you may benefit from dual diagnosis programming or other specialized treatment options. 


Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Center Near Me

The Harmony Health Group is recognized for providing top-tier care, incorporating both evidence-based practices and holistic approaches into their various treatment programs. Individuals who are experiencing persistent, or severe mental health concerns, are encouraged to dial (866)461-4474 today to learn about our behavioral health and addiction treatment options nearby!

Harmony Health Group Oxycodone Abuse Treatment in Florida (FL)

Harmony Health Group Oxycodone Abuse Treatment in Massachusetts (MA)

Harmony Health Group Oxycodone Abuse Treatment Programs in North Carolina (NC)

Harmony Health Group Oxycodone Abuse Treatment in New Jersey (NJ)

Harmony Health Group Oxycodone Abuse Treatment in Tennessee (TN)

Other Ways to Find Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Near Me

Harmony offers a multitude of locations up and down the East Coast for behavioral health services. Call us to learn about our facilities and treatment options.

What are Common Oxycodone Addiction Rehab Treatment Programs?

Oxycodone treatment programs are designed to address the physical and psychological components of an opioid addiction. Addiction and recovery are progressive, meaning that individuals at different stages of addiction and recovery often benefit from different levels of care. Commonly used treatment programs for those struggling with oxycodone include:

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) for Oxycodone Rehab

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Oxycodone Rehab

Residential Treatment Program for ​​Oxycodone Addiction

Detox Treatment for Oxycodone Addiction

Does Insurance Cover Oxycodone Addiction Rehab?

Yes! Many major health insurance providers cover some, if not most, of the costs associated with oxycodone addiction rehabs.  Since Congress passed the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Insurance providers have been required to offer coverage for essential health services, which includes psychotherapy and addiction treatment programs.  

The exact coverage that you’re eligible for is dependent on the details of your insurance plan and your provider. Most providers offer a range of services and products, to accommodate the medical needs and budgets of their members. The differences within these plan options can affect your coverage rates and out-of-pocket expenses. If you would like to learn more about the scope of your insurance coverage, we encourage you to complete our online insurance verification form, and dial (866)461-4474 to speak with an Admission Counselor.  

Does Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Medications Used in Oxycodone Rehab?

Typically, your prescription drug coverage covers some, if not most, of the costs of oxycodone addiction medications used in inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. These medications can provide you with continued support in your recovery; by helping you manage cravings and triggers. There are several medication options for opioid use disorder, allowing you to choose the right option for you.

Similar to your coverage for rehab programs, your insurance coverage for MAT options may also vary. Your plan may require prior authorization for some medications, have limitations on name-brand drugs, or have co-payments and deductibles. To learn more about the scope of your prescription drug coverage, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Health Group today.

Health Insurance Providers Who Cover Treatment for Oxycodone Addiction

As we mentioned earlier, many popular health insurance providers offer coverage for oxycodone addiction treatment programs. This allows their policyholders to access the care they need to live a healthier lifestyle. Insurances that are known to include oxycodone treatment within their coverage include Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Humana, Magellan, and United Healthcare.

Insurance companies often provide individual plan options so that you can choose an insurance plan based on your personal needs and the cost. This allows you to receive the financial benefits of having insurance coverage while remaining affordable. While your insurance carrier may offer coverage for opioid recovery programs, it is important to remember that the scope of your coverage can vary from others. This is why we encourage you to review your policy documents and verify your coverage.

How Much Does Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Cost without Health Insurance?

The overall cost of opioid addiction programs without insurance often varies and is dependent on a number of personal characteristics. This includes the severity of your addiction, the care being provided, your use of specialized treatment options, and the duration of care. Detoxification programs and inpatient programs often cost more than outpatient programs, with detox costing  approximately $1,000 per day

Residential treatment programs tend to vary in cost because there are differences in amenities, duration of care, and the use of specialized treatments. Because of this, you may see costs fall anywhere between $5,000 to $80,000, based on the care you receive. Outpatient programs tend to be more affordable than higher levels of care but still vary based on the care you receive. As an example, partial hospitalization programs are commonly about $12,000 per month, and IOPs typically cost about $17,250 per month. General outpatient programming tends to be the most affordable option due to changes in intensity, frequency, and duration of care. To receive a more personalized quote of what oxycodone treatment would cost based on your particular symptoms and treatment needs, we invite you to call (866)461-4474 now!

Free Evaluation for Oxycodone Addiction Near Me

If you’re unsure about whether you would benefit from treatment, or which treatment option would be a good fit for you, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Health Group and participate in a no-commitment, confidential, and free assessment. This free resource can provide you with guidance on the next steps you can take in your recovery journey. 

It can be difficult to reach a point in your journey where you know that you need help, and we are here to make this transition easier for you. With compassionate guidance, you can better understand your unique needs regarding your oxycodone addiction, and your local treatment options. This can help you move one step closer to making an informed decision about your addiction treatment journey. 

What to Expect from the Admissions Process for Oxycodone Addiction Rehab? 

The first step in the admission process is realizing, and accepting, that you need help for your substance use. If you’re reading this, chances are that you have accomplished this already! This alone is a great step forward, and we are proud of you!  The next step is determining which treatment program is right for you. 

Treatment programs are determined by the severity of your symptoms and the level of impairment they cause in your daily life. When you know which level of care you need, you can then narrow down your search of nearby treatment providers. You can then begin looking at the geographical location of the treatment programs, and determine which is best for your recovery. 

You can now begin shortening your list of potential providers by the program options and amenities that they offer. You may need to hone in on programs that offer dual diagnosis care, medication-assisted treatment options, or a continuum of care for reliable support. You can also look into available specialty programming, such as options for men, women, young adults, and Veterans, 

If you would like guidance or support during any stages of the admission process, we invite you to contact the Harmony Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Group by dialing (866)461-4474. We’re here to walk beside you in your recovery journey!

Statistics on Oxycodone Addiction in the United States

  • The 2022 Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States Survey indicated that 9.3 million adults over the age of 12 abused prescription pain medications
  • Abuse rates for prescription pain medications were higher among adults between the ages of 18 to 25 years old
  • 3.2 million individuals reported abusing oxycodone medications within the last year, including Oxycontin, Percocet, Percodan, Roxicodone, and generic oxycodone 
  • Oxycodone abuse accounted for approximately 14.5% of prescription pain reliever medication abuse in 2020 and was the third most commonly misused opioid by the general population
  • Individuals 12 and older who reported abusing prescription opioids identified several reasons for doing so, including:
    • For pain relief
    • To get high and feel good
    • They were “hooked” already
    • Curiosity about how they would feel
    • To relieve the effects of other drugs


Get in touch with Harmony Health Group to find out about our rehab admissions process, free assessment, treatment options or to check your insurance coverage levels. Your first step to recovery starts here!