Harmony Health Group Substance Abuse and Use Treatment Facilities

Substance use disorders and other forms of addiction can have a significant impact on your life, affecting your relationships, physical health, and emotional well-being. For many, it can be challenging to get sober on your own, and it requires the support of professionals and others who have struggled with addictions.

If you have found yourself struggling to control, limit, or reduce your use of drugs and alcohol, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Health Group to inquire about our substance abuse treatment options. With multiple treatment facilities along the East Coast, we offer various inpatient and outpatient care options that can be customized to your unique needs, ensuring that you receive whole-person care that can help you cope with and navigate the challenges you face in life without the use of drugs and alcohol. We invite you to dial (866) 461-4474 to speak with an Admission Counselor about our available substance use disorder and mental health treatment options today! 

Getting Familiar with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)

Substance use disorders (SUDs) are known to be complex conditions characterized by an inability to stop, limit, or reduce your use of substances, despite the social, physical, and emotional consequences you have experienced. Many of those struggling with an addiction have a desire to stop using but are unable to do so without proper treatment and support. 

Individuals who are struggling with substance dependence can use a variety of substances, with the most commonly abused substances being alcohol, cannabinoids, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, MDMA, ketamine, PCP, LSD, inhalants, and prescription medications.  While we do not know the exact cause of alcoholism and drug addiction, we know that several risk factors can increase a person’s risk of developing an addiction. This includes:

  • Family history of addiction and substance misuse
  • Exposure to drugs and alcohol at an early age
  • Experiencing peer pressure to experiment with substances
  • Limited parental supervision in younger years
  • A personal history of trauma and abuse
  • Mental health concerns and disorders, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD
  • Experiencing high levels of stress
  • Limited education and employment opportunities
  • Having chronic pain or medical conditions
  • Societal and cultural perceptions of alcohol and drug use

What is a Substance Addiction Treatment Center?

A substance addiction treatment center is a facility dedicated to helping individuals overcome chemical dependency. These centers provide you with structure and support and provide you with comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs.  Substance use disorders occur with varying severities, which impact the level of treatment that you require. 

Treatment options can provide you with inpatient care or outpatient treatment, depending on the severity of your symptoms and your level of impairment. Treatment programs may offer various treatment options including medical detox, individual and group therapy, dual diagnosis care, and holistic therapies. Substance abuse counseling programs are often tailored to address your individual needs that can impact your recovery so that they not only the addiction itself but also any underlying concerns you’re experiencing, including mental health disorders, trauma, or social challenges. 

Substance Abuse Information and Statistics in the United States

Check Your Insurance Coverage for Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) Treatment

You can check your insurance coverage levels by calling us on: (866) 461-4474

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What is the Most Common Therapy For Substance Abuse

There are several treatment approaches used in substance abuse counseling programs, each of which has its benefits. The treatment approach that is used is dependent on the concerns that you’re experiencing. Differences among the different treatment approaches include their format and the behavioral health concerns they are intended to treat. 

CBT and DBT for Substance Addiction

Individual, Group and Family Therapy

Motivational Interviewing (MI) of Addiction Recovery

Holistic and Alternative Addiction Treatment Therapies

What is the Best Way to Treat Substance Use Disorder?

The best way to treat substance use disorder varies for each person because effective treatment is dependent on your specific needs, the substances you are using, and if you have additional mental health concerns. At Harmony Recovery Center, we recognize the uniqueness of each person’s situation and are dedicated to creating a personalized treatment program that can help you succeed.

Our approach to addiction treatment combines evidence-based therapies, holistic methods, and comprehensive support to address all aspects of your experience with addiction and promote long-term wellness. A multifaceted treatment plan is used to address the complexities of an SUD and often includes a combination of
medical detoxification programs, individual and group therapy, family involvement, and holistic treatments. Tailoring treatment plans to each individual allows us to provide each individual with the care and support they need to overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery. If you have been struggling with drugs and alcohol, we invite you to dial (866) 461-4474 to speak with a Harmony Substance Abuse Recovery Group Admissions Counselor to learn about our available substance abuse rehabilitation programs. 

What Types of Programs Are Available to Address Substance Misuse?

A variety of programs are available to address varying levels of substance misuse, determined by the severity of your addiction, personal circumstances, and treatment needs. These programs range from intensive inpatient care to more flexible outpatient options, allowing you to choose the right path to recovery for you, based on your experiences and lifestyle.

Choosing the right program depends on factors, including the severity of the addiction, the presence of co-occurring mental health disorders, and your personal and professional commitments. Continue reading for more detailed information about the various treatment programs that may be available nearby:

Residential Treatment Programs for Substance Abuse

IOP/Outpatient Treatment Programs for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Dual Diagnosis Programs for Addiction and Mental Health Treatment


Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near Me

The Harmony Health Group manages several behavioral health treatment programs along the East Coast that specialize in both mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. Inpatient treatment facilities are known as live-in treatment centers that provide you with around-the-clock care, helping you adjust to the early stages of your recovery, and build the skills needed for lasting sobriety.

Harmony Health Group Inpatient Substance Abuse Programs in Florida (FL)

Harmony Health Group Residential Substance Abuse Programs in Massachusetts (MA)

Harmony Health Group Inpatient Substance Abuse Programs in North Carolina (NC)

Harmony Health Group Residential Substance Abuse Programs in New Jersey (NJ)

Harmony Health Group Inpatient Substance Abuse Programs in Tennessee (TN)

Harmony offers a multitude of locations up and down the East Coast for behavioral health services. Call us to learn about our facilities and treatment options.

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Centers Near Me

Outpatient treatment programs are great options for those who are beginning to navigate their daily life without the use of drugs and alcohol. This could mean that you have recently completed a detox or inpatient treatment program, or have a mild to moderate substance use disorder. The Harmony Health Group has outpatient treatment programs available in:

Harmony Health Group Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs in Florida (FL)

Harmony Health Group Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs in Massachusetts (MA)

Harmony Health Group Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs in North Carolina (NC)

Harmony Health Group Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs in New Jersey (NJ)

Harmony Health Group Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs in Tennessee (TN)


Alternative Ways to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities Near Me

What Are the Types of Substance Use Disorders One Can Go To Rehab For?

We mentioned earlier that substance use disorders can happen with several substances. Among the different primary drugs, a common thread is the benefit of professional support that utilizes evidence-based approaches and comprehensive approaches. Rehab programs are available to treat many types of SUDs, including those related to the substance misuse and abuse of alcohol, opioids, cocaine, heroin, meth amphetamines, and benzodiazepines.

Substance Abuse for Alcohol, Known As Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Treatment

Alcohol use disorder is characterized by an inability to control your drinking behaviors, despite the negative consequences experienced. Treatment for AUD typically begins with medical detox to manage withdrawal symptoms safely. Then, a combination of individual and group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and support groups are used to address the underlying causes of addiction and develop healthier coping strategies.

Inpatient or residential rehab programs provide a structured environment for individuals with severe AUD, while outpatient programs offer flexibility for those with milder forms of the disorder. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), including drugs like naltrexone, acamprosate, or Antabuse,, may also be prescribed to help reduce cravings and prevent relapse.

Opioid Abuse, Known As Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Treatment

Opioid use disorder (OUD) involves the misuse of prescription painkillers or illegal opioids, such as heroin. Treatment for OUD often begins with a medically supervised detox to manage withdrawal symptoms, often including medication-assisted treatment with medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone. Naltrexone is a cornerstone of OUD treatment, helping to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Therapy plays a crucial role in OUD treatment, with CBT and contingency management being common approaches used in treatment settings. Inpatient rehab programs provide intensive support for those with severe OUD, while outpatient programs offer flexibility for continuing care. Peer support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), are also valuable for ongoing recovery.

Cocaine Abuse, Known As Cocaine Use Disorder (CUD) Treatment

Cocaine use disorder is marked by the compulsive use of cocaine, which often leads to significant health and social problems. Treatment options for cocaine addiction typically include behavioral therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication management, which focus on changing the patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to cocaine use.

Without FDA-approved medications specifically for cocaine use disorder, medication management services focus on symptomatic treatment. Treatment programs also rely heavily on therapy and support, to help you develop the skills and resources needed for lasting recovery. Inpatient rehab programs can provide a stable environment for those with severe addiction, while outpatient programs offer ongoing support and counseling. Support groups and aftercare planning are also crucial for maintaining long-term sobriety.

Heroin Abuse, Known As Heroin Use Disorder (HUD) Treatment.

Heroin addiction involves persistent misuse of heroin which leads to physical dependence and can cause severe health issues. Treatment for heroin addictions often starts with a medically supervised detox to safely manage withdrawal symptoms. Medication-assisted treatment using methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone is highly effective in reducing cravings and preventing relapse.

Therapeutic approaches, including CBT and contingency management, are essential components of HUD treatment. Inpatient rehab programs offer a structured and supportive environment for recovery, while outpatient programs provide ongoing therapy and support. Participation in peer support groups, like Narcotics Anonymous (NA), is also beneficial for long-term recovery.

Meth Abuse, Known As Methamphetamine Use Disorder (MUD) Treatment

Methamphetamine use disorder involves the chronic use of meth amphetamines, which can lead to severe psychological and physical health issues. Treatment for meth addiction typically includes behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and matrix model therapy, which combines various therapeutic techniques to address addiction.

There are no FDA-approved medications specifically for methamphetamine use disorders, which means that treatment focuses on therapy and support. Inpatient rehab programs provide intensive care for severe cases, while outpatient programs offer flexibility for those with less severe addiction. Long-term support, including aftercare planning and participation in support groups, is crucial for maintaining sobriety.

Benzo Abuse, Known As Benzodiazepine Use Disorder (BUD) Treatment

Individuals struggling with a benzodiazepine addiction find themselves struggling with the misuse of benzodiazepines, which may have been prescribed to them for anxiety disorders or insomnia. Treatment for a benzodiazepine addiction typically starts with a gradual tapering of the medication under medical supervision to safely manage withdrawal symptoms. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is an essential part of treatment, helping you develop healthier coping mechanisms and addressing the underlying concerns contributing to your addiction. Inpatient rehab programs provide a structured environment for those with severe addiction, while outpatient programs offer continued support and counseling. Peer support groups and aftercare planning are important for sustained recovery.

How Much Does Substance Addiction Treatment Cost Without Insurance?

The cost of addiction treatment programs can vary widely, based on several characteristics including the level of care you receive, the use of specialized treatment approaches, the duration of programming, and the frequency of your therapy sessions. Generally, inpatient rehabilitation programs, including detoxification and inpatient rehabilitation programs, tend to cost more than outpatient program options.

The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reported that detoxification programs can range in cost from $250 to $800 per day, depending on the care being provided. One week in a detox program can range from$1,750 to $5,600. There is a noticeable difference between short-term and long-term substance abuse programs. The average cost of a 30-day rehabilitation program is $12,500, whereas the cost of 60 to 90-day programs can range from $12,000 to $60,000. Partial hospitalization programs generally range between $10,500 to $13,500 per day, and intensive outpatient programs can range from $15,000 to $19,500 per month.  

Is it Worth Paying for Substance Misuse Addiction Treatment?

Absolutely! Choosing to invest your time and money into your recovery is undoubtedly worth it. The health benefits are often profound and can improve your physical and mental health while reducing the risk of overdose and other severe health complications in recovery. Additionally, effective treatment can help rebuild your relationships, and improve emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

The long-term financial benefits also make paying for addiction treatment a wise decision. While the initial costs may seem high, completing treatment and learning to manage hardships in your recovery can prevent the costs associated with relapse. Addiction is a chronic and progressive disease, meaning that if you continue to use it, you will likely experience greater mental health medical costs, legal fees, and loss of income due to an inability to work or maintain employment. So yes, overall, it is worth investing your time, effort, and money into your recovery!

Does Health Insurance Pay For Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near Me?

Woman is greeted by Harmony Health Group staff.

Yes, health insurance typically covers drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010 which requires commercial health insurance companies to provide coverage for essential health benefits. Behavioral health treatments that fall under this include psychotherapy and counseling, inpatient psychiatric care, and substance abuse treatment programming.  

Insurance coverage can significantly reduce the out-of-pocket costs associated with addiction treatment, making it more accessible for those in need. However, it’s important to understand that not all insurance plans are created equal and that there may be differences in your coverage options, and out-of-pocket expenses based on your insurance provider and the details of your insurance plan. If you would like to learn more about the details of your insurance coverage, we encourage you to complete our online insurance verification form so that an Admission Counselor can call you back with the information, support, and guidance, you need to make an informed decision about your care.  

How To Pay For Substance Use Disorder Treatment Without Health Insurance Coverage

If you are searching for “outpatient substance abuse treatment near me” or “inpatient substance abuse treatment near me” without having insurance, know that you can still access the care you need. Many treatment centers offer flexible payment plans and sliding scale fees which are based on income to make treatment more affordable. 

If you know going into your search that you don’t have insurance, we encourage you to be mindful of how your different treatment options align with your financial means and budget. You can also contact treatment facilities directly to learn more about their available payment options. Together, you and determine if there is an option that fits your budget, allowing you to access the care you need. We encourage you to not let a lack of insurance deter you from seeking help; there are always options available to support your journey to recovery.

Substance Abuse Statistics in the United States

  • The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reported that over 20 million Americans are living with a substance use disorder
  • Approximately 3.8% of adults in the United States are living with a dual diagnosis
  • Males tend to have higher rates of substance abuse when compared to women
  • The majority of individuals who engage in drug treatment programming are men
  • Of the women who struggle with addiction, 39% struggle with illegal drugs, and 5% struggle with both drugs and alcohol
  • States with the highest prevalence of fatal overdoses include West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio 
  • The rate of fatal overdoses increases by approximately 4% each year
  • In 2017, the majority of fatal overdoses were fentanyl-related
  • The total cost of drug abuse in the U.S. during 2017 was almost $272 billion dollars
  • Some of the common drugs used in the U.S. include marijuana, cocaine, exactly, methamphetamine, LSD, heroin, and crack


Get in touch with Harmony Health Group to find out about our rehab admissions process, free assessment, treatment options or to check your insurance coverage levels. Your first step to recovery starts here!