Individuals who find themselves struggling with an opioid use disorder, such as a hydrocodone addiction, often find that their use affects various aspects of their lives. As an example, hydrocodone addiction can make it challenging to manage your daily responsibilities and maintain personal relationships. The Harmony Health Group manages multiple behavioral health treatment facilities along the Eastern Coast, with locations in Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Our treatment facilities are in-network with multiple insurance providers , and accept insurance coverage for our mental health, substance abuse, and dual diagnosis care. This allows us to provide access to effective and affordable treatment programs for those who are experiencing a range of mental health concerns. If you would like to explore your hydrocodone addiction treatment options, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Substance Abuse Recovery Group by dialing (866) 461-4474 today! 

What is a Hydrocodone Addiction?

A Hydrocodone addiction is an example of an opioid use disorder that occurs when someone has developed a physical and psychological dependency on Hydrocodone. This is a prescription pain medication that is commonly prescribed for those experiencing pain. Those who take their medication in a way other than as they were prescribed are at a higher risk of developing an addiction. 

A Hydrocodone addiction is often marked by tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and compulsive use of the medication even though it has caused problems in your life.  Individuals with this addiction can experience powerful cravings and urges, which propitiate their addiction.  It is not uncommon for individuals to begin using other opioids that are cheaper when their prescription is no longer available.

Living with a Hydrocodone addiction can make it feel as though your life is unmanageable. With the right support, in a healthy environment, recovery is possible! For those in the early stages of recovery, this often includes detoxification programs focused on helping you transition into recovery

What are Common Street Names for Hydrocodone?

Individuals who are struggling with hydrocodone often need to supplement their prescription by obtaining more of the medication illegally. Some try to doctor shop; however, medical tracking databases make this harder to do than it was in the past. Some of the common street names for hydrocodone include:  

  • Hydros
  • Fluffy
  • Vic
  • Vike
  • Watson-387
  • Norco

What are Signs and Symptoms of Hydrocodone Addiction?

Hydrocodone is abused more than other opioids. A component of the high rates of use is that is one of the most commonly prescribed pain medications, making access to the medication easier when compared to other opioid medications. Individuals who are abusing hydrocodone can do so by taking the medication orally or using it intravenously. 

Some indicators that someone may be impaired include euphoria, sedation, calmness, and decreased pain levels . Hydrocodone addiction is known for causing physical and psychological symptoms, all of which can make it challenging to maintain your daily routine and manage responsibilities.  Some of the common hydrocodone addiction signs include:

  • Running out of medication prescriptions early
  • Taking the medication in a manner that differs from what was prescribed
  • Changes in weight and grooming patterns
  • Distancing oneself from family, friends, and loved ones
  • Changes in routine
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Development of a tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Cravings
  • Spending a significant amount of time thinking about, planning, taking, and recovering from the effects of the drug
  • Compulsive use despite the challenges it has created in life
  • An inability to stop, limit, or reduce use

What are Signs and Symptoms of Hydrocodone Addiction Withdrawal?

For individuals who are experiencing a hydrocodone addiction, or other opioid use disorder, there is a possibility of experiencing a range of withdrawal symptoms in the early stages of recovery. With long-term opioid abuse, your body changes the way it works, including the release of natural chemicals in your brain. When you stop using, your body takes time to readjust.

Some of the signs and symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Hot and cold flashes
  • Sweating
  • Muscle cramps
  • Watery eyes
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Aches and pains
  • Increased pulse
  • Yawning

Hydrocodone detox programs will monitor these signs during your withdrawal symptoms and discuss medication options that can ease some of the symptoms that you’re experiencing to make this a more comfortable transition. 

What is the Timeline for Hydrocodone Withdrawal?

Hydrocodone withdrawal is an individualized experience, similar to other aspects of addiction. The symptoms and their intensity are based on the severity of your addiction and other characteristics. The American Psychological Association provided the following  timeline for opioid withdrawal

  • 6 to 12 hours from last use: Symptoms begin for short-acting opioids, including hydrocodone. You may begin feeling anxious or restless, having muscle aches, yawning frequently, and having trouble sleeping. 
  • 24 to 72 hours from last use: This period is known as acute withdrawal; this is often the most intense period of withdrawal. You may have worsening anxiety and irritability, nausea, vomiting, cramping, chills, intense cravings, and increased heart rate and blood pressure. 
  • 4 to 7 days after last use: Depending on the severity of your use, some of your symptoms may continue. This can include fatigue, mood swings and depression, poor concentration, sleep difficulties, lack of appetite, and continued aches and pains. 
  • Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS): PAWS can occur with individuals who were using high doses of hydrocodone, and those who had a long duration of abuse. These symptoms can continue for weeks or months and can include emotional ebbs and flows, anxiety and depression, sleep disturbances, cravings, and difficulty coping with stress.

What is Medical Detox for Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone addiction rehab centers that offer medical detox centers provide you with support for your substance withdrawal symptoms so that you can transition smoothly into recovery. These programs ensure that your detoxification process occurs in a safe and supportive environment with the use of medical and natural detox methods. 

During medical drug detox, your healthcare professionals will actively monitor your symptoms and provide you with access to the appropriate treatment interventions and tools. Hydrocodone addiction recovery programs can also provide you with access to detox therapy that can help you learn behavioral approaches for coping with the challenges that occur in the early stages of recovery. Detoxification programs are generally the first step in a continuation of treatment, allowing you to lay the groundwork for a long-lasting recovery.

How to Know if Someone Needs Hydrocodone Detox Services

If you’re concerned about yourself or someone you love, you have likely noticed signs that indicate a potential substance misuse or abuse. Similar to other mental and physical health conditions, early intervention can have a profound impact on your recovery. You don’t need to wait until your misuse has progressed into an addiction. 

But if you are living with an addiction, we want you to know that there is never a time when it is too late to overcome a hydrocodone addiction. With the right treatments and support, you can find a path forward without substances that allow you to cope with the challenges you experience. Individuals who would benefit from a detox program include those who misuse their medication and those who have developed a physical dependency to hydrocodone and other opioids. If you would like to learn about hydrocodone addiction rehabilitation options near you, we encourage you to dial (866) 461-4474 today!

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How to Safely and Effectively Detox from Hydrocodone 

The safest and most effective way to detox from hydrocodone is to receive medical supervision and support from a detox center. Hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, and difficult to cope with on your own. Detox facilities can provide you with several services and interventions to help you move through the cleansing process. 

Detox facilities can also help you understand continued treatment options for after detoxification. Addiction is often about more than the substance itself and requires treatment to address the underlying causes. For many, addiction is rooted in mental health concerns or illnesses, which tend to be complex. Dual diagnosis care is an example of a commonly used service available for those who are struggling with a substance use disorder and another mental health condition. 

What Medication is Used for Hydrocodone Withdrawal and Detox Process?

Medications can be a helpful treatment intervention for those who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms from opioids, including hydrocodone.  There are three medications commonly used to treat and manage opioid use disorder, including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. Additional medications can be used to provide relief from specific withdrawal symptoms you’re experiencing. 

These medications can help reduce the frequency and intensity of your cravings, and help your body adjust to the changes in recovery. They each have unique features and characteristics that differentiate them from the others. A nice thing about these medications is that you can continue taking them as a routine part of your recovery for continued support. In most cases, physicians who prescribe these medications prefer that you engage in behavioral treatments as well, which can include an assortment of inpatient and outpatient treatment programs.

Why Does Quitting Hydrocodone Lead to Withdrawal?

Individuals who have developed a physical dependency on hydrocodone often experience withdrawal because their body, more specifically their brain, has modified its typical functioning to accommodate the presence of drugs in their system. The changes that your body experiences depend on the duration of your use, dosage, and your physiology.  

Hydrocodone affects the brain by binding to its opioid receptors. When this is done, your brain sends messages releasing more dopamine than usual into the body. Dopamine is an important component in the reward system, and creates a sense of euphoria, reinforcing drug use and making the brain associate the use of hydrocodone with pleasure. When this pattern continues, the natural pathways in your brain change, which leads to more cravings and leads to withdrawal symptoms. 

What Are the Stages of Hydrocodone Detox and Withdrawal?

There are three stages associated with a hydrocodone detox that were mentioned in our detox timeline. This includes early withdrawal, acute withdrawal, the post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). While the duration of these stages is based on individual use, the acute phase typically lasts 3–7 days, while PAWS can persist for weeks or months.

For many, the acute phase tends to have the most intense psychological and physical symptoms. This can include symptoms like sweating, nausea, and muscle aches. As these physical symptoms begin to pass, your healthcare provider will then begin addressing PAWS symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and cravings. Your clinical team will monitor your symptoms because each stage requires different treatment approaches and support to help you achieve a complete detox. 

Can You Detox from Hydrocodone At Home Without Clinical Supervision?

It is not recommended to detox from hydrocodone at home without clinical support and supervision. Withdrawal is known to be uncomfortable, and in some situations, it can be dangerous. Individuals who detox at home are at an increased risk for relapsing, to find relief from the withdrawal symptoms.

If you choose to detox at home, you are likely at an increased with of severe withdrawal symptoms, relapse, and other complications because you will not have access to medication-assisted treatment and other interventions. Detoxification programs provide you with a safe and supportive environment to navigate the challenges that occur in recovery. 

What is a Hydrocodone Medical Detox Program?

A hydrocodone medical detox is a formal and structured treatment option that provides you with medical supervision, medication-assisted treatment options, and emotional support as your body adjusts to the natural changes in recovery. Inpatient detox programs are tailored to each individual and aim to minimize withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.Medical detox programs can provide you with various hydrocodone addiction recovery resources to enhance your detox care. This can include various counseling and therapeutic interventions that increase your knowledge of addiction and recovery, as well as help you learn to effectively cope with and manage cravings, triggers, and other challenges. Additionally, your detox program can help you connect with continued treatment options, including both inpatient and outpatient treatment options. 

Hydrocodone Addiction and Detox Statistics in the United States

Hydrocodone Detox and Addiction Treatment Centers Near Me

The Harmony Health Group is a leading substance abuse treatment provider along the Eastern Coast of the United States with various treatment programs, including holistic detox options. With a range of hydrocodone addiction recovery programs, we can provide you with individualized support during each step of your recovery. Dial (866) 461-4474 to explore available treatment options today!

Harmony Recovery Group Hydrocodone Detox & Treatment Centers in Florida (FL)

Harmony Recovery Group Hydrocodone Detox Treatment Programs in Massachusetts (MA)

Harmony Recovery Group Hydrocodone Detox Treatment in North Carolina (NC)

Harmony Recovery Group Hydrocodone Detox Treatment Programs in New Jersey (NJ)

Harmony Recovery Group Hydrocodone Detox & Treatment Centers in Tennessee (TN)

Alternative Ways to Find Hydrocodone Detox Centers Near Me

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What is the Medical Detox Process for Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone detoxification treatment is personalized to each individual and the symptoms that they’re experiencing. The intensity and severity of your symptoms are dependent on your personal needs and often vary from person to person. Many find that learning what to expect makes it easier to reach out for help, so let’s talk about it!

Before you can begin a detox program, you need to participate in a comprehensive assessment that focuses on exploring your personal needs. Once your assessment has been completed, your treatment plan will take the information gathered and develop a personalized treatment plan. They will then go through the process of verifying your insurance if you’re planning to use insurance. Once the necessary paperwork is completed, you can then begin engaging in your treatment program! Detoxification is often an essential step for those who are struggling with hydrocodone or other prescription opioids.  

How Long Does Hydrocodone Medical Detox Take?

Withdrawal symptoms can range in duration, lasting anywhere from 4 to 20 days, demonstrating the variations in detoxification programs. On average, detox programs for opioids last about one week, give or take. Your program will be tailored to your unique symptoms, and be monitored to ensure that you’re discharged before your detox is complete. 

Individuals who are living with co-occurring disorders and those who require medication-assisted treatment may be in therapy for a longer duration to ensure that they receive the care they need. Some detox facilities have available inpatient rehabilitation treatment options, allowing you to transition into the next step of your treatment journey seamlessly. To learn more about available hydrocodone detoxification services available, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Substance Abuse Recovery Group by calling (866) 461-4474 today! 

Does My Commercial Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Hydrocodone Detox Services Near Me?

Most health insurance companies provide coverage for hydrocodone detox services, which may include locations near you! The details of your coverage are determined by your insurance provider, and specified within the details of your insurance policy. Your coverage will be unique to you and can have varying rates of coverage, out-of-pocket expenses, and required authorizations. 

The 2010 Affordable Care Act is an important piece of legislation that requires insurance companies to provide coverage for addiction treatments, which may include detoxification services, inpatient rehabilitation programs, and outpatient programs. If you would like to explore the details of your policy, we encourage you to dial (866) 461-4474 and speak with an Admission Counselor today!

Harmony offers a multitude of locations up and down the East Coast for behavioral health services. Call us to learn about our facilities and treatment options.

How Much Does Hydrocodone Medical Detox Cost With Health Insurance Coverage?

Several factors affect the cost of hydrocodone detox programs, including the duration of your detox program, the use of specialized treatments, utilizing medication-assisted treatments, and having insurance coverage. To provide you with an accurate estimate for treatment, we need to know a bit more about your addiction, treatment needs, and insurance coverage. 

Insurance plans are individualized, which means that the coverage that you receive can vary greatly. If you would like to move forward and learn about the cost of opioid detox treatment based on your needs, we encourage you to contact the Harmony Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Group by calling (866) 461-4474 today to get started!  

How Much Does Hydrocodone Medical Detox Cost Without Health Insurance Support?

If you’ve been looking at detox programs for hydrocodone, you’ve likely noticed that the price can vary greatly. The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics estimated that the cost of detoxification programs can range from $250 to $800 per day, based on the details of the care you receive. 

The total cost of detox programs can range from $1,750 to $5,600 a week, in various areas of the country. For individuals who receive specialized care such as dual diagnosis care or medication-assisted treatment tend to have higher costs associated with their care. 

How to Check Health Insurance Coverage for Hydrocodone Detox Services?

Individuals who are looking to learn about the scope of their coverage regarding detoxification services are encouraged to start by reviewing their policy documents, particularly the parts that talk about behavioral health or substance abuse treatment. These documents may have information about your out-of-pocket expenses, and the limitations of your coverage. 

If you’re unable to find the information you’re looking for, you can also contact your health insurance provider directly and ask them for further information. A third option you have is to complete the online verification form provided by the Harmony Substance Abuse Recovery Group. This form provides us with the necessary information so that we can move forward and verify your coverage for you. Once this is done, we can help you understand the scope of your coverage, and your treatment options. 

H2:  Do Hydrocodone Detox Programs Include Medication Assisted Treatment?

A common component of opioid detoxification programs is the use of medication-assisted treatments (MAT). Three FDA-approved medications can be used to treat a hydrocodone addiction, which is often used in conjunction with behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). 

The medications that are commonly used to treat opioid use disorder include buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone. Each of these medications has its unique benefits and uses, allowing you to choose a medication that aligns with your needs and lifestyle. These medications can be used in detoxification programs to provide relief from withdrawal symptoms and continue to decrease the frequency and intensity of cravings. Your healthcare team will talk to you about your medication options, and help you choose the medication that is right for you! Additionally, at the time of discharge, your clinical team will provide you with referrals for healthcare professionals who can continue working with you to address your medication needs. 

How to Know if Hydrocodone Detoxification is Right for You? 

Are you wondering if a hydrocodone detox program would be the right step for you? This is a common question for those who aren’t experiencing severe or intense withdrawal symptoms. We understand that committing to treatment is a big step and that you want to ensure that you receive the right care. 

To help simplify this process for you, we offer a free assessment to determine which treatment is ideal for you. Our complimentary screening is commitment-free, meaning that you can take advantage of this resource without worrying that you’ll be pressured into treatment. The goal of this resource is to help individuals experiencing mental health and substance use concerns understand the severity of their concerns so they know what their treatment options look like. To take advantage of our professional evaluation, we encourage you to dial (866) 461-4474 today! 

What is the Admissions Process for Hydrocodone Detox Programs Near Me? 

Understanding the admission process for hydrocodone detoxification programs takes the mystery away, often providing a sense of relief for those who are moving through it. Treatment providers often put their twist on the admission process that aligns with their programs, but common components of this program include: 

  • Medical Evaluation: Before you can begin a detox program, you first need to meet with healthcare professionals who will assess your physical and psychological symptoms to help personalize your treatment plan. They will be looking to see how your symptoms affect your functioning and assess your risk level during the withdrawal process.  
  • Insurance Verification: Once the clinical team agrees that this is the correct treatment option for you, the next step is to verify your insurance coverage. During this process, they will inquire about the details of your policy including your out-of-pocket expenses, required authorizations, limitations, and exclusions.  
  • Treatment Planning: Using the information gathered in your intake assessment, your clinical team will personalize your treatment plan, incorporating your personal goals and unique treatment approaches that can prepare you for long-term recovery. This will lay the foundation for your treatment, identifying your goals during detox.   
  • Admission and Orientation: When the necessary paperwork is submitted, you can then complete the admission process and begin your treatment program! Most programs offer an orientation, to help you get familiar with your surroundings, the staff, and your treatment schedule. You may find that this moves fast, and that’s okay. If you have questions during your admission process, we encourage you to talk to your healthcare team so you’re all on the same page.  

Statistics on Hydrocodone Addictions and Detox in the United States 


Get in touch with Harmony Health Group to find out about our rehab admissions process, free assessment, treatment options or to check your insurance coverage levels. Your first step to recovery starts here!

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